the light of my recent lesson – to live an abundant life despite my
circumstances – I thought I had learned a lot and would be okay. Even though the school year had already
started, and I still didn’t have a teaching job, I looked for ways to stay
busy. After all, that’s always the
advice I received about deployments – stay as busy as you possibly can. Knowing the deployment would get here sooner
than I wanted, I strove to find an acceptable routine to my days so it would
already be established once Matt left. However, I still struggled. I cried, begged God to give me a job, and
constantly asked “why” when things didn’t seem to go my way. Eventually, I had to surrender my
expectations. See, I had expected to have a teaching job by the
time the school year rolled around. When
it didn’t happen, I was upset, angry, and miserable. It wasn’t until I relinquished my “plan” and
adapted my expectation that life got a little easier.
discussing it with Matt, I decided to call the university and start my master’s
program a few months earlier than originally planned. I knew deadlines and assignments would give
me some purpose to my days and a schedule to my hours. I also submitted an application to substitute
on post. Since I knew from experience
this could take a while to process, I asked one of the schools if I could just
come in and volunteer. They were more
than willing to put me to work. In
addition, PWOC (Protestant Women of the Chapel) started, and I attended
faithfully, meeting new people and relishing the fact that three or four hours
of that day were spent outside the house.
fact, it was at PWOC that I met 2 women who would be faithful friends through
the deployment. One had taught with me at
my first school and subsequently taught on post (where I was attempting to gain
employment). When she had her son, she
stopped teaching and thus was able to be at PWOC, and we re-connected. The other friend I met had a similar
situation to mine in that she was not working and did not yet have
children. She and I talked one day after
Bible study when we realized we knew some of the same people. Later we met at Starbucks and almost
immediately developed a heart-to-heart bond.
Both of these women had husbands in the same brigade who would deploy
around the same time as Matt. I began to
see the Lord’s hand at work!
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My joyful, sweet friend Maggie with her adorable son |
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My sweet, wonderful friend Amy |
amazing how our own expectations can sometimes be our worst enemy. This is especially true if you are a planner
like me. It’s often not until we
surrender our idea of what life should look like that we receive the blessing
the Lord has in store for us. Had I held
on to my own plans and expectations, I would have missed deep, meaningful,
heart-enriching friendships. I also
would have missed out on extra time with my husband before he deployed. I realized that by not working during this
particular season, I would be able to spend more time with Matt through all of
block leave. I wouldn’t have to worry
about taking time off and preparing sub plans just to be with him before he
deployed. Clearly, the Lord’s plans are
better than mine. I simply have to trust
Him that this is true. After all, He can
see the big picture. My perspective is
limited – only seeing what is right in front of me. So if instead of fighting against God because
He didn’t give me what I wanted, I look for ways He is going to meet me in this
time, I will save myself a lot of tears and wasted emotion.
If only I could be more
like Ruth. I’m sure she didn’t expect her
husband to die, leaving her childless, and then feel a call to go with her
mother-in-law to a foreign country, leaving behind all that was familiar to
her. I’m sure she didn’t expect to marry
again or have children. She might have,
but surely she didn’t initially want an older man from this foreign
country. Yet, she followed God. We don’t know if she cried and asked God
why. We only know how she obeyed and
adapted to what God had for her. As
military wives, our lives change frequently, and we are called to be
flexible. So often we pick up and start
over again in a new place but how quick are we to change our expectations?
How much more pleasing
to God would we be if we took after Ruth, held our lives with an open palm, and
say, “God, your way is higher than mine, but I know You have a plan. Help me to see it and show me what to do to
bring You glory.” Then maybe our
expectations will match the Lord’s plan for our life. Maybe not.
But either way, our hearts and attitudes will be more in line with
His. And when He asks us to change
course, it’ll be a little easier to relinquish control and say, “not my will,
but Yours.”
Always love reading your blogs, Melissa. How surprised I was this week to see a picture and mention of me in it! ;) That was a blessing to have you 're-enter' my life during that season. Your message was what I needed- I expected to feel a little more settled here in Korea and have 'this, this and this' already done and set up. But, you're very right- trusting makes life much better.
You are such a joy to my heart. I am honored and blessed to be your mom. I love you very much!!!
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