The work weeks melded
together, and the weekends were just something I had to get through. Fridays were both a welcome relief and an
impending torture. But far worse than
the weekends were the holidays…
When Thanksgiving came,
roughly 6 weeks after Matt left, I was thankful for a chance to get away from
my lonely house and visit my parents.
However, growing up an Army brat with my dad retiring while I was in
college precluded me from ever associating a city or a house with home. On the other hand, the good thing about being
an Army brat was that my parents were no strangers to separation. Therefore, they would prove to be
consistently supportive and understanding.
By this point in the
deployment, Matt and I had established some semblance of a communication
routine. Every few days we would talk
online through instant message (sadly, bandwith on his end would not support
webcamming), and about once a week he would call. Like any Army wife, I never went anywhere
without my cell phone and constantly worried I would miss his call. When I was at my house, this was hardly ever
a problem because I had a consistent routine.
But driving to my parents’ and staying with them for a few days set off
my worrying streak, fearful I might miss a chance to talk to Matt. Needless to say, I was not much fun to be
around. I turned down opportunities to
see movies or go out shopping, knowing the moment I did, Matt would come online
and I’d miss him.
Clearly, I was not
trusting God with this. As I so often
do, I thought I could handle it as long as I stayed in control. However, all the waiting around and refusing
to have a life just made me cranky day after day when I still didn’t get a
chance to talk to my husband. Wasn’t God big enough, trustworthy enough,
to make sure Matt called or came online when I could talk to him? Obviously, I didn’t think so.
When Matt was finally able to call, I had
little to tell him since all I had done was sit around and wait for him to
call. As he realized that I was doing
this, he reassured me that if ever he couldn’t reach me, he’d just keep trying
until he could. While I smiled at his
sweetness, I still knew this wasn’t entirely possible. The poor guy worked long hours and couldn’t
sacrifice what little sleep he got just to talk with me. No, for six months, I could rearrange my life
to ensure talking with my husband was possible.
It’s funny how I don’t
treat communication with God as important.
Do I ever rearrange my
schedule to talk to the Creator of the universe? Surely He’s a bit busier than
Matt. Do I turn opportunities down to
ensure it won’t interfere with our talk time?
Do I make Him that high of a priority in my life? Do I sit on pins and needles waiting for the
Lord to speak with me? Or do I just take
Him for granted knowing He’s always there?
Perhaps I should have re-evaluated.
Instead in my survival
mode I was not only miserable myself but made everyone around me suffer
too. What’s that old saying – “misery
loves company” – yep, that’s me! My
loving parents graciously accepted my foul moods and loved me despite my
depressing outlook. They did their best
to make Thanksgiving a joyful occasion while still being sensitive to my
Unfortunately, other members
of my family were not so astute. My
grandparents were visiting for the holidays.
While I should have been thankful to spend time with them, I instead
chose to dwell on their insensitive comments.
My grandma (an old, retired Infantryman’s wife herself) told me to get
used to Matt always being gone – that was the life I’d chosen. Then my Papa (the retired Infantryman
himself) told me to sit by him at dinner since I was the only one by myself – a
reminder I didn’t need. Bristling at
such tactless comments, I often escaped to another room to cry. So much for being Army strong…
When it was time to go
back to my house, I partly dreaded the silent rooms but was partly relieved to
go back to my busy teaching schedule. At
least I would have my routine and wouldn’t feel so bad about making everyone
around me depressed. I could cry and
hurt in peace.
In the few weeks
between Thanksgiving and Christmas, I was determined to not completely wallow
in self-pity. Despite the fact that I
would spend Christmas with my parents, I still wanted to decorate my
house. I went to the PX and bought an
artificial tree (sad that it was not the real tree I would have gotten had Matt
been with me), brought it home, and began to decorate. When I was finished, I took some pictures for
Matt to include in his care package. I
also tried to divert my energy into finding the perfect gift for him and
preparing a box that would fill him with a little holiday cheer. It felt wonderful to do something that I knew
would make him happy. I also realized it
made my spirits lighter. The Bible is
right – “it is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35b).
When it was time to
make the 7 ½ hour drive back to my parents’ house, I knew that it was going to
be difficult to get through the holiday.
However, I resolutely determined to still enjoy the time and try not to
bring down my family with my pity parties.
After all, this would be two weeks off of work and yet another holiday
closer to Matt coming home. And let’s
not forget the rejoicing over Jesus’ birth!
Christmas Eve and
Christmas Day were the two most difficult days of this deployment, in spite of
my best efforts. Even though I had
pledged to be more upbeat, I simply could not ignore the fact that my husband
was not celebrating with me. It was also
compounded by a snafu in his present for me, and my brother and his wife
enjoying time together prior to his first deployment. I hate to admit that I was jealous of their
time together.
I struggled to celebrate
the meaning of the season and see past my selfish needs. By the time Matt called on Christmas Day, I
was a wreck. He tried to encourage me,
but ultimately I just brought him down with me.
He was already struggling, and I only made it worse. We had a very sad, quiet conversation, which
left me in tears and him depressed. When
we hung up, I felt even worse about myself knowing I should have done more to
encourage and build up my husband.
Thankfully after
calling me, Matt called his parents.
They were with all of their extended family having a joyous time in
Washington State. Their bright moods,
eternal optimism, and carol singing cheered Matt right up. He called me back afterwards sounding like a
brand new man. He shared his happiness
with me, lifting my spirits as well. I
was just disappointed that I wasn’t able to do that for him. It was a powerful reminder that to be a good
wife to Matt I had to take better care of myself. I could not let myself get that low
again. It wasn’t good for me, and it
certainly didn’t help Matt.
This was a lesson for
me in the responsibility I have as a wife.
As the other part of the “one flesh” with my husband, I need to be his
cheerleader, his biggest fan. This is not
hard for me since my husband is truly wonderful. However, it can be difficult for me verbalize
at times, especially when I’m feeling sorry for myself. Yet, Proverbs 16:24 says, “Pleasant words are
a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.” Therefore, I must be careful to ensure my
words build up rather than tear down. If
I am too focused on myself and my list of complaints, I won’t be able to build
up my husband. That is why it’s
important for me to take my concerns to God and spend my time thinking on the
good, right, and true (Philippians 4:8).
Then my words will reflect that which is in my heart, and my husband
will be blessed (Matthew 12:34).
Love it, so well written and so TRUE!! I'm definitely going to go back and reread all these next time Mark and I are separated for an extended period. Especially love the parallel between desiring communication with God as much as we do with our husbands!
Must be so hard for you to remember the pain....but you know it has a purpose. I know you are helping others. The Lord has not only made you a teacher, but a writer as well! I love you! Mom
Wow! What great writing, and such an encouragement too. I'll be signing looking in, now that I've found you, (cousin-in-law) Jean Monaco
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